Anycast DNS – The real improvement of your network

Plain explanation of Anycast DNS purpose

To leverage the benefits of Anycast in the demanding DNS, “Anycast DNS” combines the two technologies. Anycast links a single IP address to multiple DNS servers over the Internet instead of unicast’s one-to-one connection. In the case of a query, a number of servers may respond to the request; typically, the server that is nearest to the user will respond. This lowers latency globally, improves the DNS service’s availability, and offers more defense against DDoS attacks. a straightforward idea that, in contrast to unicast, satisfies the needs of server infrastructures today.


  • Simple configuration: You only need to configure it on one server. Additionally, the network as a whole can use these parameters.
  • A faster response time is achieved by directing to the nearest DNS server that is still operational.
  • Additional DDoS protection – In the event of a DDoS attack, only a portion of the entire Anycast DNS set of servers will be affected.
  • It provides reliability. By setting up numerous servers with the same IP address across various regions, Anycast implementation increases DNS reliability. As a result of the DNS servers’ redundancy, the service is now more highly available and dependable.

What if I do not have Anycast DNS?

The process will take longer if you don’t use Anycast DNS. If you aren’t using Anycast Domain Name System, you probably use unicast routing. Anycast and Unicast function differently. The query will be sent to a single server through unicast rather than to several. The client will then need to find a new solution by sending queries to other DNS resolvers, which will influence the time and speed if the resolver is unavailable or not functioning at the time of the request.

Anycast vs. Unicast DNS

Unicast DNS functions in a unique way from other DNS systems. DNS server data is kept on-site at the DNS server’s physical location, in contrast to the subject of our essay today. This implies that regardless of the user’s location, any devices that want to display your site will contact this server. Therefore, if your server is in Asia and the user is in Germany, the response latency will increase. Without a backup plan, the website would also be offline if your DNS server malfunctioned or compromised. This won’t happen, however, if you use Anycast Domain Name System since, in the event that the first server is down, you will be forwarded to the next nearest server.


It is definitely worth trying out Anycast Domain Name System! One efficient method for improving the functionality of your website.

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